28 FEBRUARY 1920, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In reference to ray letter in your publication of the 7th inst. in which I quoted certain lines from Longfellow's " Kers- mos," mentioning a Bishop's tomb in Della Robbie pottery, it may interest your readers to know that I have received several replies on the subject. It appears to be the tomb of Bishop Federighi, which was at the time Longfellow wrote the poem, 1878, in a small chapel outside the Porta Romana, Florence. It appears to have been moved some twenty-five to thirty years ago to the Church of Santis Trinitilt in the same city. There is a description of it in a little book, Florence and her Treasures, by H. M. Vaughan (Methuen), and also I believe in a book titled Sauntering: in Florence. I have had one or two inquiries as to whether I have received any replies, eo the above may afford information to those interested in the matter.—I am, Sir, SWTHP1111 3.1111V111, Lt.-Col., late South Staffordshire Regiment.

90 Claverton Street, S.W . 1.