28 FEBRUARY 1920, Page 3

The Home Rule Bill was introduced formally in the House

of Commons on Wednesday. When we go to press the text of the measure is not yet available, but from a statement in the Times we learn that the area of the proposed Northern Legislature was settled at the last moment. We are told that the proposed Boundary Commission was dropped, and that the Cabinet decided to make the six North-East Counties of Ulster the area. Though we are very glad that the electors of the Northern Parliament are not to be the whole of Ulster but the homogeneous area of the Six Counties, we should have preferred that a Commission should have slightly adapted the boundaries in order to include a few distinctly Protestant districts which will now be excluded, and to exclude a few distinctly Roman Catholic districts which will now be included. The main outlines of the Bill, apart from this important point, are well known. We need say no more till we have the text.