28 FEBRUARY 1931, Page 22

Result of Caricature Competition No, x

THE Editor offers a prize each week an 25. for the description, on a postcard, of the thoughts of the subject of Mr. Beerbohm's caricature. A great many of our readers sent us their idea of what Mr. Wells was foreseeing ; some of the thoughts were extremely witty, but for one reason or another not all of them were suitable for publication, We have decided to divide the prize between Miss Elizabeth Boyle, Magilligan, Co, Londonderry, and Mr. G. H. Ardron, Hotel des Bains-Cavalaire, Var, France, for the following :— Miss Boyle; Foreseeing acute indigestion, Mr, Ardron ; Moi recant du divin Pluton, Sous clignotant des bleus bees de gaz, (Verlaine.) Other entries were from Canon A. Lukyn Williams : "Dear me What a clever man I am " ; from Mr, Wilmot Brooke, who quoted from War and the Future "I take myself to be very nearly an average man, abnormal only by reason of a certain mental rapidity, I conceive myself to be thinking as the world thinks" ; from " Fairfield " ; " I think this pose will do for Epstein," and from Mr. Upward ;

"Getting in touch with Mars is just a matter of time. But is anything to be made out of this new planet, Eros, I wonder I'm afraid we can't people it ; it's too small. But its shape is attractive ; an oblong planet appeals to the imagination. I might do something with it by brinbring it closer to the earth and making a danger of it ; something in that line perhaps. Yes, I must see what can bo done."