28 FEBRUARY 1958, Page 16


SIR,—I was amazed to read the suggestion in A Spectator's Notebook' that I smuggled my camera in a cake tin into the Munich hospital in order to get the picture of the birthday party that appeared in the Sunday Express.

Anyone who has ever handled a press camera would know that to be impossible—especially with a cake inside the box as well.

In fact, I carried the cake and a reporter colleague carried my camera quite openly. A friend of the Manchester United team carried the electronic equipment.

Several of the players and their relatives, far from being offended, have asked me for copies of the picture.—Yours faithfully, WILLIAM GREGORY

Sunday Express, Fleet Street,"EC4

[Pharos writes : 'My comment on the alleged smuggling was "No very heinous offence!": whether the camera Was smuggled in or not is of little im- portance. What counts Is whether Mr. Gregory broke

an agreement which had been made with the hospital 'authorities "about the taking of pictures, as he has been accused of doing by other newspapermen who were in Munich. This is the charge he should answer.' --Editor, Spectator.]