28 JANUARY 1837, Page 5

Cbc Counttp.

A meeting of the Liberal electors of Leeds was held on the 20th instant, ft to take into consideration the correspondence between the Chairman of the public meeting of electors, held on the 2d of the Present month, and Sir William Molesworth." It was stated at the meeting, by a member of the deputation who had waited on Sir 1Vil- ham Molesworth, that Sir William considered the former resolutions

passed at a meeting of his friends at Leeds as Limiting him too strictly to support the present ;Ministers. Resolutions were thew

proposed and carried, disclaiming all intention of restraining Sir WI!. hamMolesworth's political conduct. Some amendments were pro- posed with the view of qualifying the resolutions ; but they were de. signated by the majority of the meeting as " Whig tricks," and the proposers.of them were hissed. The resolutions were ordered to /re- transmitted to Sir William 14folesworth.

A Ballot Club, on an extensive scale, has been formed in the Easters Division of Plymouth, of which Sir William NIolesworth is President '1'he object is to circulate arguments in favour of' the Ballot, and to ;Igitate the question with a view of pressing it upon the attention of the Government- —Falmouth Packet.

The representation of Ipswich is to be strongly contested again se the next election. The Conservatives have drawn up a requisition te Gibson, to offer himself in that interest. in case of a dissolution: and on meeting a deputation on Monday last, that gentleman expressed his readiness to comply. A requisition to Mr. Kelly has also beer prepared, which, it is stated, he is likely to accept ; and thus these nee gentlemen will fight the battle with Messrs. :Morrison and ll'agon.— Essex Herald.

On Saturday, a meeting of the Conservative Association for the Eastern Division of Surry took place at the Greyhound, Croydua ; when it was stated that Mr. Henry Powtiall bad consente:i to offer himself as a candidate for the county, in the event of a dig-solution or.

Purliament, if Captain .Aloager :approved of the proceeding. As ;Melilla to carry two Members will put Captain Alsagees seat in jeopardy, Ile is not very likely to approve of it.] At a numeroes and most respectably-attended ineeting of ;Lc Guild- ford Conservative Asscciation, on Tuesday last, it waa uneniatoesie rie-olved to invite the Honourable 1). W. Best to offer himself as a candidate for that borough, as the colleague of Mr. Barite; Walls Notwithstanding that a great number of members of the Aseociatior. were prevented from attending the meeting by the preyailing epide. lisle, the muster amouuted to upwards of two hundred ; who appeared to be unanimous hi their determination not to submit that herough again to either Whig or Radical dieteticm. The Liberals are in a SVICE el perfect constermitien. —Sarre Standard. [If' Mr. Bast ie de:she:me of the honour of' representiug a plac which elects Mr. Berne; Wall as his colleague, in the name of common decency let no Libua; op- pose him.] At Evesham, the Whig Lord Marcus Hill, and th 'Tory Mr. Ituslione, /eA declare themselves secure of success. We dare say that botb I tie received a large majority of promisc3; but the candidate who lea the means of Ininging the burgesses to the poll careies the :ley.

Hear). Halford, M. I'. for the Southern Division of Leiceaterattirte is in what a l'aultee wuttlil call "a pretty considerable serape througi the tarnation railway ;" for whichevec way he acts he IF SIIIQ t dis- &dim? it large 'mintier of his coastituents, and if be remains neutral, the tramp:nifty of Wistow may be disturbed.—Leiceaters/are ..-1/eeeery.

It appears that many of the Buckinghamshire Tories refitaed to steer the requisition to Mr. Tyritigham Prard—" Banker Poled," as he called; amid that it has been filially settled to put Mr. Harcourt, of A ukerwyeke House, near Eghttin, into the vacant at-et fer the county. Sonic gentlemen svere desirous of having Mr. Betijatuin

Disraeli, hut others declared that he was not to be trusted, either on his own account, or on that of his "partner," Lord Lyndhurst.

Mr. William 13usfeild, of LIpwood, brother-in-law of Sir Fraucit L. 1Vood, has been called upon by the Bradford Liberal electors to re- present them at the next vacancy.

Mr. Asheton Smith, the Member for Camaryonshire, wieher

ta- retire from Parliament; but he also wishes to force his nomincie the stripling son of Mr. Omsby Gore, M. I'., on the coulay. This attempt haa been resisted by some of the leading men in Cernarvou- shire ; and young Gore has "cut his stick." The chief pointehows ever, to which we call the attention of Sir Hussey Vivien and Sir alte. drew Leith hay, is that Mr. Gore was accompanied in Ms abortive can- vass by Mr. Wynn of Penniarth, who is said by a correspondent:se the Morning Chronicle to hold /111 oflice in the Ordnance department- If this is true, Mr. Wynn should be unceremoniously dismissed.

A numerous meeting of the friends and supporters of Ma Richard Cobden was held at Stockport on Thursday week. A committee of upwards of seventy was formed, and the borough was divided mite districts for the purpose of facilitating au active canvas about to be commenced. Great confidence was expressed of Mr. Cobdetie sue- cess.—North Cheshire Rtformer.