28 JANUARY 1843, Page 2

Vat etourt.

NOTHLKG has occurred to interrupt the quiet life of the Court. The Queen has daily taken her usual early walks with Prince Albert. The Prince went out shooting in the Great Park on Saturday ; on Wednes- day, in the preserves ; and on Thursday he hunted with the barriers.

The visiters to the Castle have been, the Lord Chancellor and Lady Lyndhurst, the Marquis of Douglas, the Earl and Countess of Jersey, and Lady Clementina Villiers.

Colonel Drummond, Groom in Waiting to the Queen, left the Castle on Friday, to attend his brother, Mr. Edward Drummond, in Grosvenor Street. The Dutchess of Norfolk, who had been in attendance on the Duke, returned to the Castle on Tuesday. Yesterday was the seventieth birthday of the Duke of Sussex ; who received congratulatory visits from the Dutchess of Cambridge, Prince George, and the Dutchess of Gloucester ; and entertained a select party at dinner in the evening.

The Princess Augusta of Cambridge has been indisposed at Kew for the last few days. Yesterday the report was, "The Princess Augusta is going on favourably."

The Times makes a report touching the health of the Queen and some proceedings dependent thereupon- " We have good authority for stating that her Majesty has determined not to open the ensuing session of Parliament 'by the Queen in person ;' and that the Roy al speech will be read by Commissioners, as upon many previous occasions. Her Aii4eitle; desirous to prolong the stay of the Court as long as posirMAINef ff -1rtfore proceeding to Buckingham Palace for the mason order "11 t el Moyal Higfinesses the Prince of Wales and the I' • - . —always in excellent health while at Windsor,) may co l'i t period, by the salubrity of the air in that de accouchement of her Majesty (an event which ., 1 1 classes of her Majesty's dutiful and loyal su and devotional interest) is expected to take la . gt rch, or very early in the month of April. It 19, r Majesty will not take her departure from Win .L. .. the termination of the ensuing month or the

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commencement of March ; but the period of flit; Queen's leaving the Castle for Buckingham Palace will depend in a great measure upon the medical advisers of the Sovereign. The Court will return to Windsor at as early a period as may be considered advisable, (with a due regard to:the health of our beloved Monarch,) after the important event to which we have referred shall have taken place. It must be highly gratifying to our readers to be informed that her Majesty is in most excellent health, and in the enjoyment of her usual flow of spirits."

The Queen and his Royal Highness Prince Albert have respectively transmitted, through Sir Henry Wheatley and Mr. G. E. Anson, the sum of 501. in aid of the fund for the establishment and erection of an asylum at Denbigh for the reception of the insane poor of North Wales. The Prince of Wales also appears as a donor of 100 guineas.