28 JANUARY 1843, Page 9

The Lyceum is now converted into a circus of sufficient

extent to show off some first-rate horsemanship, in addition to the feats of Messrs. VAN AMBURGH and CARTER with their wild animals. One of these, performed by CARTER, who is attacked by a tiger, and while in the animal's gripe rolls down a bank, is most astonishing. The melodrama that introduces these feats is insufferably tedious ; and, bad as is the biped corps dramatique, the attempt of the brute-tamers to act is a ludicrous mistake. Among the equestrians Master BUCKLEY is con- spicuous for grace and agility : he promises to equal Ducnow. Mademoiselle CAMILLE LEROUX, the French horsewoman, is a Tecrsom on the saddle. There being no half-price, the audience was respectable as well as pretty numerous ; bat, to be completely popular, the enter- tainments should be shortened, especially the talking part : 1)1:meow's famous stage-direction, " Cat the dialect, and come to the 'osses ! " should be borne in mind in beast-exhibitions.