28 JANUARY 1865, Page 1


THEQueen has addressed a remarkable letter to the directors of most of the great railways centred in London, calling on them to take further precautions against accidents. Her Majesty remarks, through Sir Charles Phipps, that every precaution is taken to en- sure her own safety when travelling, but desires that the security so carefully provided for herself should also be obtained for her family and her people. Her Majesty reminds the directors of the " heavy responsibility they have assumed since they secured the monopoly of the means of travelling," a little remark Mr. Glad- stone will not forget. The Queen's letter to the Mayor of Birmingham put down the high-rope exhibitions, and this one may help to put down accidents ; but we would warn Her Majesty's advisers that personal government is not popular in England, and that if one of these letters should any day happen to be read to an excited assemblage, the.effect will tend to diminish that respect towards the Crown which it is the interest of all classes to main- tain unbroken.