28 JANUARY 1905, Page 28

[TO TEN EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, With reference to

your interesting article on "Revival" in last week's issue, allow me to point out the distinction between a revival and a mission. There is a revival in Wales; there is to be a mission at the Albert Hall. A revival may be the result of a mission, or come independently of any such agency. A mission may or may not result in a revival. A mission is an agency arranged and carried on by men. A revival, if genuine, is a divine work. No man, or men, 'or Church can make a revival. There was a genuine revival in North Ireland in 1859, followed by several smaller local revivals in England. They were rather the cause than the consequence of missions. Many local missions were inspired by them. Mr. Moody and Mr. Sankey held missions. I saw a good deal of both their London campaigns, in 1875 and 1884. I do not apply the word "revival" to them. There was immense interest, and much beneficial result ; but I am not aware of any startling general religious awakening in any particular district. They influenced hundreds—perhaps thousands—of individual lives, lives of men and women from all quarters. There are men in prominent positions to-day who, to my personal knowledge, owe to the movement, either a definite conversion from a life of sin to a life of righteousness, or a great develop- ment of a religious life already existing. Mr. Moody's visit to Cambridgelin 1882 brought numbers of young University men to decision for Christ, the fruits of which I myself have seen in the Colonies and in India, as well as here in England. In other ways Mr. Moody's work had great results. For example, the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations received immense impetus, which has issued in the vast development of their influence and operations in the past thirty years. And it was Mr. Moody who persuaded Mr. Hay Aitken to give up his Liverpool parish and devote his life to missions ; and Mr. Aitken accordingly founded the Church Parochial Mission Society, which has worked Success- fully ever since, and has, in fact, produced not a few local revivals in individual parishea—I am, Sir, &c.,