28 JANUARY 1938, Page 21


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] believe that Janus' note on the decision of a Divisional Court in Evans v. Cross (the " white line " case) may mislead some of your readers. As reported in The Times newspaper the Court held that " the driver of a motor-car who drives on the outside of a white line round a bend of a road does not commit the offence of " Failing to conform to an indication given by a traffic sign, contrary to section 49 of the Road Traffic Act, 193o, although in so doing he may be guilty of careless or dangerous driving."

In view of the last thirteen words it appears that attention should have been drawn by Janus to the words I have italicised. It is not, I think, the whole truth to say that " it cannot be construed as an offence to drive over a white line at a bend

of a road."—Your obedient servant, J. S. WIDDOWS. East Pallant, Chichester.