28 JANUARY 1938, Page 6

Political controversies can be stilled by weddings as well as

funerals, and the more so when the wedding is a golden one. Mr. Lloyd George has in his time been a target for as many bricks as he has thrown, which is saying something. On Tuesday the only missiles were bouquets, and they were numerous and stood for much. A public man's private life is a preserve which, in this country at least, no one seeks to invade except when an occasion for sharing joy or sorrow arises. Mr. Lloyd George was Prime Minister of this country during some of the most critical years it ever passed, and that fact gives him his fixed place in history. He has had all his fair share of the cut-and-thrust of politics. Opponents and friends equally can congratulate him whole-heartedly on the best of all possessions, domestic happiness through a lifetime already long and likely to be much longer yet.