28 JANUARY 1966, Page 13



From: Michael Astor, Norman Shrapnel, Michael I. Harrington, Ian Plenderleith, David Morrison, Mary Eagling, M. G. de St. V. Atkins, John Macdonald, Maurice Chandler, G. Wynn Hamel, Dr. R. J. David Turnbull. John N. Watson, G. Teeling-Smith, J. D. Livingston Booth, Olga Franklin, Renee Haynes, Fay Hall, Kevin Fitz- gerald.

Winter of Tory Discontent

&R.—Could anything make the Conservative party appear more ludicrous at this moment than if the Conservative Association of Stratford-on-Avon were to withdraw their support for Mr. Angus Maude be- cause of his considered but critical article published in the SPECTATOR? A Member of Parliament is not a delegate representing a caucus; and Mr. Heath has never appeared frightened of ideas, even when they imply criticism of his leadership. Any MP who is critical, constructive and not frightened of ex- pressing his views is a reassuring phenomenon. At least Mr. Maude's arguments are lucid and un- ambiguous, which is more than can be claimed for his more verbose and ponderous critics.

Brucrn, Churchill, Oxford