28 JULY 1838, Page 20

We have seen a few choice pictures, taken out of

a collection in Italy and brought to this country for sale, that deserve the inspection of cognoscenti—to whom we leave the discussion of their merits. They are privately shown by the proprietor at No. 196, RegentStreet. A Magdalen, by GUIDO, and a duplicate of " La Fornarina," by Rae- FAME, at Florence, are the two most highly prized. We were most struck with a portrait of Michael Angelo by ANDREA DEL SART°, finely expressive of the tire and energy of the mighty master. Amongst the other portraits, the most attractive is a head of one of the Medici, by BRONZINO; and the most curious, one by an old Ger. man painter of some magnate of the middle ages, most elaborately wrought on a gold ground sunk below the surface of the panel, the face being represented almost without shadow. There are also a pair of CANALETTIS—gems of the first water ; one Of ALBERT DUKES'S quaint miniatures, " The Temptation of Christ ; " and others.