28 JULY 1838, Page 9

Don Cellos, according to the Europe, an Ultra-Legitimist journal, bas

received accredited agents from Russia and Austria, and has been furnished with five millions of florins in Frankfort and Amsterdam bills. Besides this, according to the same journal, a subsidy of two millions of florins is to be paid him monthly. His general line of policy has been approved by the Great Cabinets. His army is con. centrated at Estella, only in order to take possession of both banks of the Ebro. IThe Morning Chronicle says that Don Carlos really has got the money.'

The Queen of Spain having made a contract with two respectable firms for a supply of five hundred horses for her cavalry, our Govern- ment have requested Major- General Sir George Teesdale to utlfiil the advantage of his judgment in their selection and assist in their inspec- tion : under his observations the first draft of one hundred and twenty has been embarked at the dock-yard, Portsmouth, in fine order.

Lord Renelagh, in a letter to the Morning Post, says that he is the man who told Lord Lyndhurst that British cruisers bad orders to pre- vent the landing of aims and provisions for the use of the Curlists on the Spanish coasts- " A sense of personal honour, and justice to the naval service, (trays the ec- centric Peer,) impels me to state, that I was the individual who communi- cated with Lord Lyndhurst on this matter : and I shall only further add, that being at Barcelona at the time these orders arrived, there wns not a Spaniard connected with the Government who did not most unreservedly converse and comment on this decided policy of the British Government, as a demonstration so fraught with danger to the peace of Europe, and so contrary to their daily professions of peace and nou.interventioa."

His Lordship goes on to put a series of questions to Lord Palmer. Mon on the subject of the British intervention, having a bearing on the same point ; which, he suggests, Lord Brougham should put on the first opportunity.

A letter from Naples, of the 5th instant, mentions, that close to Ban, on the shores of the Adriatic, a system of smuggling is being Carried on with the most daring intrepidity. It was reported that seven English vessels, laden with prohibited articles, had lately arrived there, and were enabled, by means of a bribe to the provincial Governor and .Customhouse.officers of 40,000 ducats, some say of 80,000, to land their cargoes. In consequence of a memorial from a number of inner. chants, the King bad despatched an officer to Bari to inquire into the circumstances.—Chronicle

A grand musical festival is to be held at Frankfort on the 29th and 30th instant. It is announced that no vocal music will be peformed but by male voices ; and twelve hundred singers from all parts of Ger- many will take part in it.