28 JULY 1866, Page 22

The Life and Light of Men. An Essay. By John

Young, LL.D. (Strahan.)—Dr. Young is one of the many theologians of the present day who hold the doctrine of vicarious, as opposed to expiatory, sacrifice in connection with the life and death of Christ. In this able and eloquent essay he unfolds his idea at length, explaining in the preface why he considered the distinction important enough to compel him to with- draw from the communion of the United Presbyterian Church to which he originally belonged. The distinctive revelation of the New Testa- ment, the chosen and special teaching of the Master himself, is the fatherhood of God and the childship of all souls. Sin puts an end to this relationship, and Christ came to live and die in the world to des- troy sin. In this way He sacrificed Himself vicariously on man's behalf, reconciling children to their father, not making expiation for criminals to a judge. This idea is beautifully worked out in the volume, which, like all Dr. Young's writings, is characterized by deep thought and the keenest appreciation of spiritual things.