28 JULY 1877, Page 1

Something not quite intelligible is going on in Constantinople.. The

Sultan has dismissed the Sheik-ul-Islam, and a report comes. from Vienna that he has summoned Midhat Pasha to his assist- ance; and the " ex-Vizier is on his way to Constantinople, via Vienna and Trieste. Letters from the Turkish capital also men- tion that Constantinople is full of volunteers, who are a terror to the inhabitants, and that the Sultan is besought to unfurl the standard of the Prophet and proclaim a religious war. If this is all true, it signifies that the Mahommedan party has regained its ascendancy, that it has been resolved to fight it outritace, and that no peace will be even talked of until the Ottomans have been defeated in some pitched battle. That is quite a probable course for events to run, but the entire suppression of telegrams by the Turks, unless revised by themselves, disturbs all calculations.