28 JULY 1906, Page 24

The Bedfordshire Militia : an Illustrated Description of Life and

Work in Camp. (The Bedfordshire Times Publishing Company, Mill Street, Bedford.)—This little pamphlet will, we trust, serve as an example to the Colonels of other Militia regiments. It begins with an admirable appeal by the Duke of Bedford to parents and employers of labour to do their best to help the Militia Force. The Duke shows that the Militia barracks need not be, and are not in fact, the source of danger to young men which they are sometimes represented. "I should feel confident of overcoming any apprehensions which parents may feel on the score of allowing their sons to live in Barracks for the whole winter if they themselves would only go to the Barracks and see for themselves what goes on there, or, failing that, would have sufficient confidence to let their sons go, and then note the marked improvement in them at the end of some months of military training." The rest of this excellent little pamphlet is taken up with an account of the life in camp and of the arrangements which are being made for trying the experiment of training recruits for six months which is to begin this winter. Copies of the pamphlet can be obtained (free of charge) upon application to the Recruiting Officer, The Barracks, Bedford. We trust that all who are interested in the Militia will send for it.