28 JULY 1967, Page 24


Sir: Many of your readers may be interested in learning more about the Evelyn Waugh Newsletter mentioned in the Neville Braybrooke review (12 May) of Evelyn Waugh: Portrait of a Country Neighbour.

As Mr Braybrooke noted, the Newsletter is published in America under the editorship of Dr Paul A. Doyle. All communications and subscrip- tions can be directed to him at Nassau Community College, the State University of New York, Garden City, New York 11530. The Newsletter is designed to stimulate research and continue interest in the life and writings of Evelyn Waugh. It is published three times a year: in April, October, and Decem- ber (spring, autumn, and winter numbers). The subscription rate for libraries or interested indivi- duals is $1.00 per year. A single copy is S.35.

We welcome-notes, brief essays, and news items about Waugh and his works. Manuscripts cannot be returned unless accompanied by a stamped self- addressed envelope. I am fortunate to be one of the associate editors of this publication, which we hope will contribute to the interest in Waugh which he most certainly deserves.

Alf red Borrello Chairman, Department of English,

Mercer County Community College, 2S Wait State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08608