28 JULY 1984, Page 38

Books Wanted

SIR HAROLD ACTON: 'Memoirs of an Aes- thete' and 'More Memoirs of an Aesthete'. J. Peinsen, I. S. K. Vondelstraat 100, 105YGP, Amsterdam. The Netherlands.

BIOCHEMISTRY by L. Stryer (W. H. Freeman 2nd edition). H. Svensson, Catbells, 68 Neville Rd. Darlington DL3 SNE.

THE HIMALAYAN LETTERS OF GYPSY DAVY AND LADY BA by Robert and Katherine Barrett. B. Forster, Islamabad, F.C.O., King Charles St, London SW IA 2AH.

L.E. (JONAH) JONES: any of the three auto- biographical volumes. A. Ridley. 52 Novello St, London SW6.

HUGH MACLENNAN: 'The Precipice' (Toron- to, Collins 1948) and 'Oxyrhynchus: An Econo- mic & Social Study'. R.J.B. Garden. 27 Braeside Ave, Aberdeen ABI 7ST.

SEA PEOPLES: WARRIORS OF THE ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN 1250-1150 BC, by N. K. Sandars. M. Pulgar. 31 Thames Haven, Portsmouth Rd. Surbiton, Surrey.

THE CHURCH IN ROME IN THE FIRST CENTURY by George Edmunton (O.U.P. 1913). W. Tighe. 4(la Newnham Rd. Cambridge CB3 9EZ.

THE PUZZLE PALACE by James Bamford and 'The Hut Six Story' by Gordon Welchman. J. Kent, 122 Harhord St. London SW6 6PH. THE MONEY GAME by Adam Smith and 'The Art of Argument' by Giles St Auhyn. .1 Sandilands. 58 Doneraile St, London SW6. D.S.L. CARDWELL: 'From Watt to Calusius'. M. Hammerton, 42 Honister Ave, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, NE2 3PA.

ARTHUR KOESTLER: 'The Yogi and The Commissar'. W. Burridge, 15 Teignmouth Rd, London NW2 4HR.

JOHN SCARNE: 'Scarne's Complete Guide to Gambling' and 'Scarne on Cards'. C. Goddard, 193 Woodhall Rd, Molescroft, Beverley, N. Humberside HU17 7JU.

HERBS, SALADS AND SEASONINGS, 1930, by Marcel Boulestin, illustrated by Cedric Mor- ris. B. N. Brooke. 112 Balham Park Rd, London SW l2 SEA.

PASTORAL SERMONS by Ronald Knox, edited by Evelyn Waugh. Lethbridge, Fawler, Oxford OX7 3AH.

P. A. SOROKIN; 'The Ways and Power of Love' and 'Forms and Techniques of Altruistic and Spiritual Growth'. J. Fox, 129 Croydon Rd, London SE20. 01-778 7942.

BROKE AND THE SHANNON by V. Padfield. Lt Col J. E. B. Freeman, Buxhall Vale. Stow- market, Suffolk.

FRIEDRICH VON HAYEK: 'The Road to Serfdom'. M. Grenfell, 20 lvanoe Drive, Har- row, Middx HA3 8QP.


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