28 JUNE 1834, Page 10



The English Stock Market has evinced more firmness this week, and sonic improvement in prices has taken place. This result is attributable to the cessation of the sales on account of Commissioners for the Reduction of the Debt, which have been discontinued. The dosing price of Consols fin. Account to-day-is 92a 1. Exchequer Bills are at our last quotations. Money has become MOM abundant in consequence of the partial liquidation of the Dissented 4 per Cent. Stock. The transactions in the English Funds have, however, been on a very limited scale. The speculation in Spanish Cortes Bonds still continues; and those Securities have fluctnated considerably for some days. A disposition to realize was manifested by the holders; and on Wednesday the Bonds were de- pressed to 464. They however recovered on that day to 47; and continued within per cent, of that price till this morning, when some very large pur- chase, soon forced them above 48; at which price a sale of 100,000 was effected for Tuesday next. The eagerness of the purchasers for the Account soon absorbed this supply; and the price continued to improve till the close of busi- ness,at which time it was 494 3.

The Portuguese Regency Stock has been in great demand to-day: the market

Was in a languid state all the week, fluctuating between 78 and 784 ; in the course of the afternoon a rise of more than 1 per cent, occurred, and the closing price of Bonds is 791 8 for Money, and 793 for 15th July. Among other Lfinani•ial artalwements which M. Mv.sniza Bet is believed to have succeeded in making at Lisbon. is one by which the Bonds of the various Portuguese Loans are to be received by the Government, at the rate of 85 per cent, in payment of the purchase-money of Church and National property, large sales of which are

goin4 on in Portugal ; hence the impetus given to the market to-day. If this rumour be cortect, it is quite clear that much firmness will thus Ix, given to the financial system of Portugal ; the details of which have hitherto been suably conducted by the gentleman allotted to.

In the other Foreign Funds, the business has been of a very trifling charactm% Some depression has occurred in the South American Stocks ; but they have generally recovered their prices, though they are still below the high quotations which they had reached some time ago. The great success which has attended the speculation in Spanish Stock, has given an Impulse to similar operations in the hitherto neglected Bonds of the Transatlantic States ; but there does not seem to he any thing in the condition of the various countries whose Bonds are current in this market, which justifies any anticipation of the reestablishment of their national credit, or the restoration of that financial regularity which cm be the companion only of order and good government—two principles in which most of the new Republics are lamentably deficient.


Consols fir Account are rather lower than yesterday, the present price being 926 a. la the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been as high as 50i ;_ but a decline from that point has occurred, in consequence of intelligence received from Amsterdam of a fall of :3 per cent, in the price of Cortes Bonds in that city; the Stock has been as low as 491 i , and s now 49a a. Portugetese Regency Bonds have been at 791; for this Account, and 80i for 15th July, but have since fidlen, and are now 791


Consols for Account close at 92/ A. In the Foreign Market, Spanish and Portuguese Bends close within a shade of the morning's prices, and the other Foreign' Stocks have been quite neglected. 3 per Cent. Consols shut Dutch 24 per Cents 521 1 Ditto lin Account 924 i French 3 per Cents --

New 34 per Cent Annuities shut Greek, 1933. 5 per Cents —

Bank Stork 215 4 Mexican 6 tcr Cents 45 4

India stock shut Portuguese a per Cents. .... 7911 4

Exchequer Bills 49 50 Do. Regency scrip, 5 per Cent WI i Belgian 5 per Cents 971 114 Prussian.1818, 5 per Cent... —

Brazilian Slier Cents 76t 8 Russian, 1822 5 per Cent.... 1054 106

Danish 3 per Cents 748 751 Spanish, 1821,5 per Ccut... 49 1 #