28 JUNE 1845, Page 9


In the House of Commons, the motion for going into Committee of -Supply gave opportunity for the usual miscellaneous sallies. Mr. TRostals Druscomm advanced some complaints against the Post-office adminis- tration. He adverted to the inaccuracy of certain returns; expressing his Tear that the errors were not accidental, but intended to mislead the public. - He pointed out some abuses in the method of remunerating the servants, 'by fees, &c.; especially the "early delivery" in the City, for which an additional fee is demanded, though all the letters might be delivered sooner in the morning: a person in Stamford Street received his letter by the ordinary delivery sooner than he did letters in Fleet Street by the " early delivery." He charged Mr. Kelly, the Inspector of Letter-carriers, with making a " job" of the Poet-ojfice Directory, using the letter-carriers for his private profit, and thus increasing his salary from 1,2001. to 8,0001.; and he objected to inadequate remuneration of the letter-carriers. Finally, Le moved for a Select Committee to inquire into all those matters. Mr. CaRnwEr.n opposed the motion. He denied that the Post-office Directory was a " job," or compiled in a way injurious to the public; he defended the " early delivery" as generally approved of by the mercantile body ; -end he could not assent to augment the salaries, as it would increase the public cost without corresponding advantage. The motion was negatived, by 106 to 30.

Mr. WYSE moved an address to the Queen, praying her Majesty to give directions for the establishment and maintenance of a Museum of National Antiquities, in conjunction with a Commission for the conservation of National Monuments. Mr. GOULBURN said, that of course Government could not interfere this session, after the Supplies had been voted; and he doubted whether the matter is not better left to private collections. The motion was negatived, without a division.

TheHouse then went into Committee, and passed several votes of the 'Ordnance and Miscellaneous Estimates.

Earlier in the evening, Mr. HAWES moved that the petition from the South-eastern Railway Company be referred to a Select Committee. The motion was seconded by Captain BOLDERO, who hoped that the inquiry would be of the most searching kind. Agreed to.

In reply to Mr. SMITH O'BRIEN, Sir JAMES Gasser& stated, that a bill founded on several of the recommendations of the Irish Tenure of Land Commissioners was under the consideration of the Government; it was already in an advanced stage of preparation, and he had every reason to believe it would be introduced into the other House of Parliament in the course of next week.

A new writ was issued for Dartmouth, in the room of Mr. Somes, de- ceased.

The business in the House of Lords was chiefly of a routine kind. The only discussion arose on the report of the Ecclesiastical Courts Bill ; -which elicited some murmurs of dissatisfaction from the Bishops of Los- Dos and SALISBURY, with defences from Lord CorrENEam, the Lord CHANcELL0E, and Lord BROUGHAM. The report was received.