28 JUNE 1930, Page 2

Spain and Her Constitution .King. Alfonso has come to England

for his annual visit, unperturbed by the Republican chatter of his subjects. On his way through Paris he made a Feint of seeing Senor Santiago Alba, who was Foreign Minister in the Liberal Government overthrown by the Dictatorship in September, 1923. The conversation, of which Sefior Alba has issued a summary, ranged over the whole field of Spanish affairs, and was particularly frank in its discussion of the relations of the Monarch to a Spanish Cortes. There seems some hope that Senor Alba may be called back to take over the Government from General Berenguer, arrange clean and satisfactory elections, and so establish a Parliament to revi.-e the Constitution "peacefully but none the less radically into a democratic and Parliamentary Monarchy, such as those of Great Britain and Belgium?'