28 JUNE 1930, Page 3

The Government and East Africa On Friday, June 20th, the

long-awaited proposals with regard to the development of East Africa were published as a White Paper. _ Accompanying the Statement of Conclusions as to Closer Union in East - Africa is a Memorandum on Native Policy, a well-timed • reaffirmation of the principle of trusteeship for the native population which lies at the root of British Colonial policy. The appointment of a High Commissioner with - powers for framing native policy registers the Government's determination in this matter. The High Commissioner is to be a kind of pro-Consul on the spot acting for the _ Colonial Office, and as Chairman of the Conference of Governors he would be kept informed of all Bills, Budget proposals, proposed changes in native taxation, &c., • decided upon by Governments of Kenya, Tanganyika - and Uganda. He would also administer various public • services—railways and all forms of transport, Customs, and defence. * *