28 JUNE 1935, Page 32


All the same, conditions on the other side of the Atlantic are viewed somewhat askance in a good many quarters here. It remains to be seen whether in that famous land of " Liberty " the semi-dictatorship methods of the last year or two will be patiently endured over a prolonged period. I have been interested in a recent copy of a weekly magazine published by one of the leading Stock Exchange firms, containing a review written by a paitner who has recently returned from the United States. ,After com- menting upon several of the recent developments in the.

4Qppinyed. on pcw 112`.2.)

Financial Notes

(Continued front page 1120.)

United States, the writer concludes the week's review in the following terms :

"A curious thing happened to us as we left New York. Arriviti, opposite the Statue of Liberty, we were looking up at the lady with profound admiration for all she signified in the United State„ as she stood crowned with the evening sun. It may have feet our foolish imagination, but it seemed that she deliberately cl wet' her left eyelid . . . ever so slightly."