28 JUNE 1957, Page 18


is a pity that Mr. Robert Conquest (Spectator, June 14) did not confine his criticism to poetry. He could easily have done so without being rude to Dame Edith Sitwell.

Perhaps he is jealous? Mr. Causley is in very good company, whether Mr. Conquest likes his work or not. Why he drags Tom Driberg's name into it I don't understand—can Mr. Conquest help me there? I will be greatly obliged to him for any in- formation he can provide about publishers, dates, etc., since it might lead me to something really interesting.

I hope that Mr. Conquest and the Spectator will take my letter seriously enough to publish it. It seems to me a warm and generous thing in an artiste of Dame Edith's stature to draw attention to a young poet; it ill becomes another to sneer at her for doing so.—Yours faithfully,


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