28 JUNE 1969, Page 25

0 come, all ye faithful

Sir: May I as a Czech student studying here be permitted by such a broad-minded capit- alist journal as you are, to express my dis- gust, and that of many Czechs, at the per- sistent hypocritical, crocodile tears of your biased 'contributor', or should 1 say propa- gandist, Mr. Szamuely.

Indeed his crocodile tears on the tragic fate of my country as expressed in '0 come, all ye faithful' (14 June) made me weep with contempt. Who is he, an embittered Russian émigré, to judge the situation in the com- munist world, let alone my country, when he is one of the most enthusiastic supporters of American genocide in Vietnam?

It is he who has learnt nothing about communism in his Western exile. I should like to inform him and all other reaction- aries that we value the principled solidarity of the Western cPs with us as expressed by the Australian leader Louis Aaron in Moscow last week. I and my friends at home value even the slightest criticisms of Russian policy in our country from any 'free' world or even 'red' world CP than we do all Tibor Szamuely's insincere croco- dile tears over the past year. Indeed Mr Szamuely will soon be drowning us all in his pathetic crocodile tears if he continues to choke and sicken us much longer.

Is he so naive as to expect the rotten capitalist regimes in the West to care about us? Quite the contrary! I'm sure the Pen- tagon must laugh at Tibor Szamuely's views. After all Russian policy in our country strengthens the capitalist system every day —or is Mr. Szamuely too ignorant to realise that?

As for the 'rotten hypocrisy' in the letter of your American reader Aryeh M. Samuel, in the same issue, I should like to tell him that we do not want the 'support' of him and Mr Szamuely as both want to impose capitalism on our country which we do not want. Yes, the South Vietnamese capitalists are prosperous. If America had not followed such an aggressive Nato policy, then we would be a free nation today. Will the Western hypocrites ever learn? I doubt not!