28 JUNE 2008, Page 30

Murder in the dark

Sir: Peter Oborne rightly observes (‘We have a duty to protect Zimbabwe’, 21 June) that the MDC has relied on the peaceful tactics of Gandhi in his campaign to bring about regime change in Zimbabwe. But Gandhi was only affective against the British Raj because it observed the rule of law. Gandhi wouldn’t have lasted ten minutes against the likes of Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler, Stalin or Saddam. As Mugabe and his cronies have already murdered 20,000 people, it is fanciful to think that anything other than overwhelming force will drive him and his chums from power.

The US is busy with its war in Iraq, the UK is consumed with post-colonial guilt and the UN is useless, but the idea that other African states will drive him from office is risible. And in the unlikely event that South Africa turns off the lights, Mugabe will carry on murdering in the dark. The only hope is a coup, but the perpetrators may be just as bad as Robert Gabriel Mugabe.

Brian Jackson

Adstock, Buckinghamshire