28 MARCH 1829, Page 3

LENT ASSIZES. ROBBERIES AND Tnerrs.—George Wingfield was tried at •

the Lincoln Assizes, for an assault and robbery urn Robert Capp. It ap- peared that Capp, returning, from market on horseback, was overtaken by the prisoner and tour other persons. The prosecutor could hot identify the primmer, hut several pen,ons saw him on the road about the time the robbery took place. The prosecutor was dragged from his horse, and so much abused that his life was de-paired of. Capp was apprehended, arid tile pocket-book of the prosecutor found on him, and the greater part of the money. The pri- soner was found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged. Joseph Edwards was tried at the Shrew-bury Assizes for breaking, into the dwelling-house of William al orris, fanner at Whittington, and ,Vealing 3161. in notes and sovereigns. The prosecutor on -tile evenine. or the 5th of - October last locked' tine money inn a drawer in his kitchen, aunt.] on tire (aw- ing morning missed it. A number of the notes were traced to nine. possession arthe prisoner. The day alter the robbery, he returned a respectable young

woman, and set out for London, where he was taken. He had confessed the robbery. The prisoner was found guilty, and sentence of death was recorded against him. At the York Assizes, Daniel Madden, Thomas Wells, and James Kavenagh, were indicted for a burglary in the dwelling-house of Edward Baines, at Leeds ; and Thomas Sykes was indicted for receiving the stolen property. Kavenagh pleaded Guilty. Mr. Baron Hullock—" You had better take your trial : it will make no difference whatever in your punishment." Prisoner- " But I am guilty, my Lord, and I cannot do any other. I am guilty, and these two (Madden and Wells) are innocent." The Jury found Madden and Wells guilty, and acquitted Sykes. Sentence of death was recorded against them and Kavenagh.

MURDER.—At the Lancaster. Assizes, James Cliffe was convicted of having wilfully murdered his wife. The prisoner, it appeared, had a quarrel with his wife, at a public house at Manchester, on the 2d of January, and was in a state of intoxication. On their way home, the prisoner kicked her with such violence that she died two days after. He Was hanged on Monday, pursuant to his sentence.

MANSLAUG IITE R.—Thomas Bell was convicted at Lancaster, of having killed a man in a fight, and was sentenced to be transported for fourteen years.

William Angel was tried at Huntingdon for having shot John Grange. It appeared in evidence, that during the harvest-home, a crowd assembled round the house of the prisoner, broke his windows, and ill-used himself, when he attempted to quiet them. In the irritation of the moment, he fired among them, and shot the deceased. He was found guilty of manslaughter, and sentenced to transportation for life. The fact of the prisoner having at- tempted to load the gun for the purpose of firing a second time, weighed much e him.

JohnPhelp, gamekeeper to Sir Humphrey Davie, High Sheriff of Exeter, was indicted at Exeter, fur having killed John Burton, by striking him on the head with two gun-barrels. On Sunday the 25th of January, the deceased and another man went into Creedy Park, to amuse themselves mien the ice. They had a dog with them ; and when the prisoner came up, he desired the dog to be taken away, else he would shoot it. The dog was put over the wall.. As the gamekeeper was going, he said, "You are only trespassers here." The deceased then took a penny out of his pocket, and said, " If it is a trespass, I have a penny to pay for it." The prisoner then came back, and said to the deceased, "What is it you say, you saucy rascal ?" and ordered him out of the Park. The deceased stood still. The prisoner then took out the barrels from the stock of his gun, and told him to be off. The deceased jumped up on the wall, and whilst he was sitting on it the prisoner said, "Now be off or I will make you." The deceased looked up in his face and said, "1 am going directly." As soon as he said that, the prisoner struck him with the double barrel of the gun on the right side of the head. One of the party said to the prisoner, " You have killed the man. " I hope not," said the prisoner, "I did not intend to hit him so hard." The prisoner was found guilty of a very aggravated manslaughter; and sentenced to be transported for seven years.

Currnse AND MADITNO.—George Gillam, was tried at Maidstone for cut- ting and maiming William Sharp with intent to murder him. The prosecu- tor who is servant to a Mr. Taylor, found the prisoner robbing his master's fowl-house in the night, and seized him by the neckcloth. A wtruggle ensued, and in the course of it the prosecutor felt his hand cut by some sharp instru- ment, but could not see any knife or any other instrument in the prisoner's hand. The wound was not severe, and he succeeded in capturing him. The prisoner was found guilty. John Evans was tried at the Shropshire Assizes for baying shot Edward Richards, with intent to murder him. The prisoner, who was suspected of many acts of felony, took up his residence at an inn in Bishops-castle, where be staid for two months ; but in December he was taken into custody, and lodged in Hereford Gaol ; he soon succeeded in making his escape; and in February came back to Bishops-castle in disguise. He was immediately re-

cognised by a little child. The prisoner perceiving he was the object of at- tention, said he would go into the yard ; when Richards, the prosecutor, who was present, said he would go and watch him. He did so, and when they got into the yard, the prisoner immediately shot him. The ball penetrated his breast, and in all probability he would 'lever recover from the effect of it. The report of the pistol, and the cries of Richards, brought

the ostler to his assistance; but the prisoner drew another pistol, and kept the ostler in check till he succeeded in making his escape. The prisoner was

found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged. He was perfectly unmoved during the whole of the proceedings ; and after sentence was pronounced upon him, he walked from the bar with the most perfect nonchalance.

M A T Itl M orciAL C ON 51.1 RACY.—Thounas Buxton, Mary Ann Buxton, Eras- mus Webster, William Webster, and Benjamin Wild, were placed upon their

trial at Lancaster, for having conspired to cause the banns of marriage to be

km*ered and published as the banns of marriage between Thomas Buxton and ELieibeili Hickson, as being both of Manchester, when in truth neither the

one nor the other of the parties had ever lived in that parish. It appeared that the young lady, Miss Elizabeth Hickson, on whose account her friends had instituted these proceedings, was the niece of Mr. Wilson, a merchant, residing at Warnforcl-court and Portman-square, London, and of his brother,

Mr. John Wilson, of Stenhouse, in Derbyshire, a wealthy farmer, who, being unmarried, had adopted Miss Hickson as his child. She had a fortune of about

20001. in her own right ; but the fortune expected from her uncle was esti- mated at 40,0001. The young lady resided at Stenson, abut four miles from Derby. The prisoner Buxton resided near the residence of Miss Hickson ; Erasmus Webster is an attorney at Manchester, his brother is a sheriff's

officer, and Wild keeps a public-house at Hanging Ditch, Manchester. These persons, in conjunction with MaryAnn Buxton, formed a plan for car-

rying off Miss Hickson, and she was to become the wife of Buxton. Web- ster, the attorney, was promised 5011/. for " generalling the thing." With this sum he promised to pay various debts ; and when asked if he would not get himself into a scrape, he said that Miss Hickson had promised to elope with Buxton, and that they would not "catch aweazel asleep." About eight o'clock of the evening of the 9th of June, when the elopement took place, Miss Hickson left the residence of her parent, under pretence of taking a ride, and joined the prisoners, who had provided a carriage and four horses, and accompanied them to Manchester, where they were married the next day. The young lady's friends pursued the parties immediately after the elopement took place, and traced them to Wild's house at Manchester ; and Miss Hick- son was taken from Buxton and his sister and conveyed to Stenson. After these facts had been proved, evidence was called to prove the charge laid ia

the indictment. For the defence it was stated that the marriage at Manches. ter was legal, inasmuch as the young lady had willingly consented to become Mr. Buxton's wife. The proceedings had not been commenced by the wish of Miss Hickson, but by some of her rich relations, who had thought proper to separate her from the man whom she had declared, at the altar of her God, that she would never be separated except by death. In summing up, Mr. Justice Bayley agreed with the counsel for the defence, that the marriage was legal ; but he seemed to think that all the parties were guilty of the con- spiracy to effect it. The Jury found Thomas Buxton and the two Webster's guilty, and acquitted Wild and Mary Ann Buxton. The three prisoners were then sentenced to be imprisoned three years in Lancaster Castle,—e sentence, the severity of which appeared to astonish all who heard it.

DEBT.—At Exeter, Madge brought an action against Parkins to recover the simm of 13/., of which 12/. 12s. 10-.1d. had been paid into Court ; so that payment of the enormous amount of 7s. lid. remained to be decided by the Jury, and it afterwards turned out that the actual sum to be determined was three farthings only. To settle this weighty question two serjeants at law and

three counsel were employed. It was at last settled that a juror should be withdrawn, each party paying his own expenses. The case occupied the greater part of a day.

YORK Miss-ult.—The Grand Jury, at the York Assizes, have found a true bill against Martin the incendiary. His trial comes on next Monday, in the County instead of the City Court,—application to have the trial removed having been made, on the ground that the prejudice which existed against him in the minds of the citizens would prevent him from having an impartial

• jury.

Martin attempted to make his escape from York City Gaol, about twelve o'clock on Friday night. It having been thought necessary for a person to sleep in the same room with him, as a guard, the hospital-room was fixed upon as the only one in which there were two beds. In this room was a fire-place, and on Friday night, as usual, Martin slept in one bed, and the guard in the other. The attendant was awake till half-past eleven, and was disturbed by a knocking apparently without the room ; but not apprehending anything wrong, he fell asleep, and slept soundly from that time till two in the morning. In the interiin, Martin arose, and having torn his bed-rug in lengths, tied these together, and thus formed a rope of nine yards long. This he fastened round his ankles, and with only his shirt and drawers on, ascended the chimney. The rope was intended to assist in his descent from the top of the prison, should he have got out from the chimney. But he unexpectedly found an iron grate near 117e top of the chimney, and was obliged again to descend into his prison. This he did ; and after having placed the sooty shirt under his bed, and swept the soot also under it, he put on his flannel

dress, and retired to rest. The attendant, on awaking about two o'clock, found him up, but he soon laid down again, and they both rose at about half. past six. Martin ran down stairs hastily into the yard of the prison, and the attendant followed him, and found him washing himself, but the dirty state of the room, and of his person, together with two bricks being laid in the fire- place, proved the fact that an escape had been attempted. Martin was charged with it, and he acknowledged as above stated. He also said, that had he been a less person he could have effected his purpose' but that it was the " will of God" that he should make the attempt and be frustrated.—York Herald.

FIRES.—An alarming fire broke out yesterday morning, about half-past three o'clock, at Camberwell, in the house of a Mr. Bailey, a retired trades. man ; and was not subdued till it had destroyed three other houses. Mr. Bailey's mother and tyre of his children perished in the flames.

The premises of Mr. Skipper, an extensive stationer on St • Dunstan's-hill, and the spacious premises of Chater and Haywood, glass-merchants, wore also burnt down yesterday morning. St. Dunstan's Church was at one time considered in danger.

A fire broke out at four o'clock on Tuesday morning in the malt-house of Mr. Jardine at Newton Abbot. Four men who were exerting themselves

to save the property were killed by the falling in of time malt-house, a fifth has died in consequence of his wounds, and a sixth is in a very bad state from the effects of the fire and bruises.—Plymouth Journal.

A liar-rick of twenty tons, belonging to Mr. iRainbow, of Neithrop, Ban- bury, was totally consumed on Wednesday evening, owing to a boy shooting crows in a farm-yard.

On Tuesday, sundry barns and outhouses at Hull, in the neighbourhood of Deal, were entirely consumed by fire. Several bullocks on the premises escaped unhurt; but about a score of sheep and pigs perished in the flames. The accident was occasioned by au attempt to blow time root of a large tree contiguous to the spot; and the sparks emitted by the gunpowder, at the moment of the explosion, were soon conveyed to the thatch, %Odell igniting with extraordinary rapidity, in a few minutes presented a mass of flaming ruin. A fire broke out on the 11th at Sissone, in France : it consumed one hun- dred and fifty houses, besides a woman and two children.

On Sunday afternoon, as six young men were landing from a water ex- cursion, opposite the George public-house Bankside, one of them crossed front one side of the boat to the other, when it suddenly upset, and two out of the six were drowned. The other four saved themselves by laying hold of some logs of timber.

On Saturday as some persons were on the track of a fox on Dartmoor, near the Teign-head, the dog suddenly stood at bay, and it was found that the re- mains of the body of a man crossed their path. It had evidently lain there

for some months: all trace of features had been destroyed by dogs or birds of prey, and from the progress of putrefaction a separation of the limbs took

place on the slightest touch. The hat was on the head, which was nearly separated from the body; but it was impossible to ascertain whether death had been occasioned by violence. Aim inquest was held on time desolate spot where the body was discovered, though the cold was intense and the ground thickly covered with snow. The verdict vas" found dead." A young woman died in Orchard-street, Westminster, last week, from the effects of ardent spirits, with which two fellows had plied her for their amuse- ment.

A few weeks ago, a female pauper, at Halifax, was discovered in the work- house chained by the leg to the stone pavement of a hole not more than three feet wide, without bedding or clothes!

A miserable-looking man, a stranger, dropped dead in the streets of Gran- tham last week, apparently from actual starvation.