28 MARCH 1840, Page 7

Sig Vrobincts.

At an Anti-Corn-law meeting at Bristol, on Monday, "the Chartists" succeeded in carrying an amendment ; and the Whigs retreated from the platform amidst derisive cheers.

According to a correspondent of the Standard, the Anti-Corn-law party experienced a virtual defeat at Bath on the same day ; having left the Town-hall by a hack-door, without carrying their resolutions. At this meeting, it is said, the Chartists and Conservatives united had a majority. Trade in Manchester is rather better. The Manchester Guardian describes the feeling as more cheerful. In Huddersfield also, and in sonic of the Yorkshire clothing-districts, there are symptoms of a re- vival of business.

Lord Durham has caused. seven hundred tons of coals to be distri- buted among the poor of Sunderland.