28 MARCH 1840, Page 8

The Globe of last night publishes the following-

" Tne QUEEN BNCEINTE.—The London correspondent of a Limerick paper (the Chronic/e) states, in reference to the Mayor of that town-4 I have ouly to inform you that, had not the regulation entered into not to grant any mark of permanent distinction been rigidly adhered to in all cases, your excellent Mayor would return to his fellow citizens as Sir Richard Franklin ; bat, for reasons best known to her Majesty anal Ministers, there will he no thvours of this description conferred until a certain interesting' event takes place, which I have the happiness to state is not very remote; for the report at the kree wins, as appearances fully inilic«te, that her Majesty is in a Fair way of perpetuating the Brunswick line in direct succession.'" A journal which, in circular handbills, distributed all over the coun- try, for the avowed purpose of alluring advertisers, boasts of " its in- fluence derived front (Skid sources f inflowation," (sic in orig.) should not have published the above paragraph without at the same time re- minding its readers of the number of weeks and days that have elapsed since the Royal nuptials.—Illorning Post.