28 MARCH 1840, Page 8

The Post-office returns to the order of the House of

Commons exhibit the working of the present compared with the former system. The first table shows the amount of postage collected in the London district during the fourpenny rate—viz, from the 5th of December 1839 to the 9th of January 1840, compared with the corresponding period of 1838-9, as far as regards the General Post-office; and gives 57,300/. Is. 3d. as the total amount of the period in question in 1838-9, and 38,692/. 5s. I hi. as that of a similar period in 1839-40. Of the former of these sums, 3,637/. 8s. was received from Government departments ; of the latter' sum, 38,692/. 5s. 11d., the sum of 1,316/. 2s. was received from Government departments. The second table gives the total amount of the postage collected in the London district during the penny rate from the 10th January to the 13th February 1840, so fur as regards the General Post-office, with the amount in the corresponding period of 1839. This gives 60,0601. 14s. 8d. for the period of 1839, of which 4,624/. 12s. Id. was received from Go- vernment departments, and 40,527/. 8a. 7d. for 1840, of which 858/. 1 Is. id. has been received from Government departments, and 11,044/. 12s. 5d. remains due.

The return of the amount of postage for the London district post during the fourpenny rate, gives 10,382/. 148. 3d. as the sum collected from the 5th of December 1839 to the 9th January 1840; while the amount collected in a similar period in 1838-9 was 12,933/. 19s. 7d. The return of postage from 10th January to 13th February 1840, (during the penny rate,) for the London district post, gives 10,368/. 15s.; 'while the amount for a similar period in 1839 was 13,714/. 10s. A fourthowcount, in which both general and district post letters are included, gives the following result. 1838-9 December 5th to January 9th £70,234 0 10 1839-40 Ditto 49,075 0 2 Decrease under the fourpenny 0 8 1839 January lOth to February 13th £73,774 15 6 1840 Ditto 50,896 3 7 Decrease under the penny rate....... £22,878 11 11