28 MARCH 1857, Page 2

Vrurrthings iu Varliamrut.


The Parliament of 1862 met for the last time on Saturday. There were not more than a dozen Peers in the House of Lords, and less than a hundred Members in the House of Commons. About two o'clock, the Speaker and some threescore Members of the Lower House appeared at the bar of the Upper. The Royal assent was then given by Commission to several bills including the Speaker's Retirement Bill, the Appropriation Bill, the Income-tax Bill, the Indemnity Bill, and the Customs. duties Bill. Then the Lou) CHANCELLOR, in the name of himself and the other Commissioners—Earl Granville, the Earl of Harrowby, Lord Stanley of Alderley, and the Marquis of Breadalbane—read the following speech.

"My Lords and Gentlemen—We are commanded by her Majesty to inform you, that in releasing you at this early period from your attendance in Parliament, it is her Majesty's intention immediately to dissolve the present Parliament, in order to ascertain in the most constitutional manner the sense of her people upon the present state of public affairs. "Gentlemen of the House of Commons—We are commanded by her Majesty to thank you for the liberal provision which you have made for the exigencies of the public service during the period that will elapse before the new Parliament, which her Majesty will direct immediately to be called, shall have been able to give its deliberate attention to these matters. "My Lords and Gentlemen—We are commanded by her Majesty to express the satisfaction which she feels at your having been able during the present session materially to reduce the burdens of her people.

" Her Majesty commands us to assure you' that it is her fervent prayer that the several constituencies of the United Kingdom, upon whom will -devolve the exercise of those high functions which by the constitution belong to then,, may be guided by an All-wise Providence to the selection of representatives whose wisdom and patriotism may aid her Majesty in her fondant endeavours to maintain the honour and dignity of her crown, and to Promote the welfare and happiness of her people." The commission for the prorogation of Parliament having been read by the Clerk at the table, the Lunn CHANCELLOR formally prorogued Parliament until Thursday the 30th of April next.

The Speaker returned to the House of Commons ; and, after reading the Queen's Speech, took his personal farewell of the Members.

In a few hours later, the following proclamation appeared in a Supplement to the Gazette of Friday.


"Victoria, R.—Whereas we have thought tit, by and with the advice of our l'rivy Council, to dissolve this present Parliament, which was this day prorogued iind stands prorogued to Thursday the 30th day of April next; We do for that end publish this our Royal proclamation, and do hereby dissolve the said Parliament acoordinglv ; and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, and the Commissioners for Shires and Burghs of the House of Commons, are discharged from their meeting and attendance on the sahl Thursday the 30th day of April next ; and we, being desirous and resolved as soon as may be to meet our people, and to have their advice in Parliament, do hereby make known to all our loving subjects our Royal will and pleasure to calf a new Parliament : and do hereby further declare, that, with the advice of our Privy Council, we have given order that our Chancellor of that part of our United Kingdom culled Great Britain, and our Chancellor of Irehuid, do respectively, upon notice thereof, forthwith issue out writs in due form and according to law, for calling a new Parliament : and we do hereby also, by this our Royal proclamation under our great seal of our United Kingdom, require writs forthwith to be issued nceordiuglv by our said Chancellors respectively, for causing the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons who are to serve in the said Parliament to he duly returned to and give their attendance in our said Parliament; which writs are to be returnable on Thursday the 30th day of April next. 2" Given at,our Court at Bneldngbam Palace this 21st day of March, in the year of our Lord 1857, and in the twentieth year of our reign. "God save the Queen."


Before the House of Commons was called to the Upper House' several questions were put. The principal question was one by Mr. THOMAS Eltirroonnu ; who asked, whether, since the withdrawal of the Legations. of France and England from Naples, any overtures have been made by the King of Naples to the British and French Governments for the return of those Embassies' and, if so, whether those overtures are likely to be acceptable to the two Governments ? To this Lord Rsiarmisroir answered " No overtures, properly so called, have been received by the British and French Governments from the King of Naples since the dimontinuanee of diplomatic relations. An indirect intimation has, however, reached us, that the Neapolitan Government was anxious to know whether, if the King of Naples were to carry into execution the convention made with the Argentine Confederation, under which the political prisoners now retained in the prisons of Naples were to be banished to the Argentine Republic, that would be considered by the two Governments as a substantial beginning of that more moderate system of government which we wished to see established at Naples. Speaking only for the British Government, we do not think that clearing the prisons of Naples by sending the prisoners into banishment in South America—with the intention, no doubt, of replenishing those prisons by means of fresh arrests—(" Hear, hear I ")—would be such a change of system as could be considered by us as accomplishing the purposes for which diplomatic relations were broken off."


Lord PALMERSTON appeared at the bar of the House, and presented a treaty which has been concluded between this country and the Emperor. of Morocco, securing facilities for British and European commerce throughout the dominions of that potentate. It was ordered to lie on the table.