28 MARCH 1868, Page 1


MR. GLADSTONE introduced his Resolutions on the Irish Church on Monday night, and Mr. Disraeli in a temperate but courageous speech offered him next Monday night for the commencement of a debate, which he hopes will end on Friday, when the House will adjourn, nominally to avoid sitting in " Pas- sion Week," really to enjoy a holiday in the country. The words of the Resolutions are important, and we therefore add them :— " 1. That in the opinion of this House it is necessary that the Estab- lished Church of Ireland should cease to exist as an establishment, due regard being had to all personal interests and to all individual rights of property.

" 2. That, subject to the foregoing considerations, it is expedient to pre- vent the creation of new personal interests by the exercise of any public patronage, and to confine the operations of the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners of Ireland to objects of immediate necessity, or involving indivi- dual rights, pending the final decision of Parliament.

"3. That a humble address be presented to Her Majesty, humbly to pray that, with a view to the purposes aforesaid, Her Majesty would be graciously pleased to place at the disposal of Parliament her interest in the temporalities of the archbishoprics, bishopric; and other ecclesias- tical dignities and benefices in Ireland, and in the custody thereof."