28 MARCH 1896, Page 3

France, it is said, has yet another Pretender. The son

of the Duo de Chartres, Prince Henry of Orleans, has recently attracted much attention among Monarchists as the ablest, or at least the most attractive, among the Bourbon Princes. He has achieved a reputation as an explorer in Indo-China and Thibet, and recently was presented with the gold medal of the French Geographical Society. He was thereupon, as is customary, offered the Cross of the Legion of Honour, which, to the surprise of many Frenchmen, he accepted, calling at the same time, as etiquette demands, upon the President of the Republic. At a dinner given in his honour, the Prince observed that he remembered two counsels given by his grandfather, the Due d'Orleans, in his will,—to be " the passionate servant of the Revolution, and to manage to get forgiven for being a Prince." He thought he had achieved that forgiveness. It is said that all that remains of Boulangism gathers round the Prince, that he is rapidly forming a party, and that his idea is to be elected President of the Republic, and then—what fate shall decree. Of his political ideas nothing is yet exactly known, except that he professes to believe strongly in colonial expansion for France, and to be unusually hostile to Great Britain. There is no evidence yet that he is a strong man, -though he is a brave and enterprising one; but his desire to play the part of "Philippe Egalitd " seems to be unmistakable. 'The House of Orleans, say the Legitimists, with a smile and a sneer, naturally produces traitors.