28 MARCH 1903, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."' SIR,—Having had occasion to study carefully the admirable series of letters and articles which have appeared lately in the Spectator, especially those signed " Vigilans sed Aquas "—for the purpose of a local speech I made on Tuesday evening—I am tempted to ask whether it would not be possible to reprint them in pamphlet form. I am sure they would be valuable, and the matter is one of vital import- ance. A few days ago I saw the Emperor's " Naval Diagram " on its easel in the Lobby of the Reichstag.—I am, Sir, &c.,

[We are glad to be able to inform our correspondent that " Vigilans sed 2Equus " has applied to us for the usual per- mission to republish his letters in book form, which we need hardly say we have accorded with the greatest pleasure and satisfaction. " Vigilans sed .1Equus " states that the book will be published soon after Easter by Messrs. Smith and Elder.—ED. Spectator.]