28 MARCH 1908, Page 17


LTo TER EDITOR OF Till "SPECIRTOR."..1 .SIR,—The story of thirteen at table detailed in- your issue of the 7th inst., which has just reached me, reminds me of a para- graph I saw some years ago in an American paper. It ran 'thus. Those who believe that thirteen is an unlucky number should fight shy of an American quarter-dollar, for it has thirteen stars, thirteen letters in the scroll held in the .eagle's beak, thirteen marginal feathers on each wing, thirteen tail feathers, thirteen lines in the shield, thirteen horizontal bars, thirteen arrow-heads, and there are thirteen letters in "quarter-dollar." Nine thirteens ; but I never heard of any one 'refusing "a quarter."—I am, Sir, Ste.,


Beid's Palace Hotel, Funchal, Madeira: