28 MARCH 1925, Page 1


BY his speech on the European situation in the House -Of Cornmons on Tuesday Mr. Austen Chamberlain gratified 'the expectations of his friends. Without saying a word' that'might seem to impair his • sympathy with.Franae he declared for a policy of appease- ' ment and -recanciliaticin which exactly , reflected the mood and the :desires of the nation. Evidently,. he is not going to allOw the arithmetical precision of 'French arguments (which suggest that French statesmen always . think that policy can -be trained without reference to the passions, frailties or affections of other people) to divert him from his intention of making Germany a willing partner in any scheme of settlement. Anyone who had • doubts of. Mr. Chamberlain's willingness or ability to tell the truth to France about British feeling must have • read the speech with relief and gratitude. * • *