28 MARCH 1925, Page 2

The election of a German President to succeed Hen Ebert

will take place next Sunday. Although very much depends upon the result, nobody can say with con- fidence what is likely to happen. This will be the first Presidential election in Germany as Herr Ebert was not elected but was appointed by the Weimar Assembly. The election is by direct voting—there is no such indirect method as that of the Electoral Colleges in the United States—and the franchise is practically universal as every • man and woman over the age of 20 has a vote. There are seven candidates, but of these only three are seriously considered—Herr Jarres of the combined Right, Herr Marx of the Centre, and Herr Braun, the Socialist. Among the other four are General Ludendorff who represents the Hitler Fascists and Herr Thaldemann the Communist. Although Herr Jarres says that he does not represent the cause of monarchy as against the Republic, he has so many supporters who are ardent -monarchists that this issue . may prove to be very important. How Could he really fail to stand for monarchy when he is Chandpioned by such societies as the " Steel Helmet League " and the " Front Fighters " ?