28 MARCH 1931, Page 3

Our New Series It is with great pleasure that we

announce the publica- tion next week of an article on "The Idea of God," by the Archbishop of York. The extraordinary success of his Oxford Mission has lately brought home to many people Dr. Temple's unique position in the "teaching Church " ; and we are deeply grateful to him for con- senting to introduce a series of articles which will deal with the idea of God in the great religions of the world. The writers have been chosen with care in order to secure the expression of living faith, rather than philo- sophic speculation ; and in the hope of obtaining a certain consensus of belief as regards the central truths of theism. Dr. Temple will be followed by Dr. Claud Montefiore on Liberal Judaism. Mohammedan and Hindu thinkers will deal with the concepts of God funda- mental to their creeds. Professor Lloyd Morgan will speak for Science. The Rev. Lionel Thornton, C.R., Professor H. G. Wood, Father Martin D'Arcy, S.J., and others will give, from various angles, the Christian view. We also hope to publish next week the first of two articles on agriculture by Sir Horace Plunkett.