28 MARCH 1958, Page 19

SIR,—Under the heading of `Sakiee you publish a letter from

a' French reader who professes to be indignant at yOur mild criticism of the savage war and murder waged today in the name of the French people against' the people of Algeria. The most sinister part of the letter you publish is at the end, where the, writer pleads for English and French journalists to abstain from criticism to please the colonialists and, presumably, to prevent publication of the out- rageous actions committed today in our name which have met with the virtually unanimous condemnation of the civilised world and, may I add, of the over- whelming majority of non-fascist French people.

There exists today in this country a pre-fascist situation compaiable to that of Germany in 1932. But there are important differences, and let gentlemen like Dr. Forestier make no Mistake about this. A people, the vast majority of whom suffered under and fought against German fascism, which has seen the lives of thousands of its young people thrown away in a criminal colonialist war in Vietnam and is now look- ing on in shame and horror while the name of France is being dragged through the mud by the colonialists, while papets are being banned, intellectuals muzzled and while men and women are being treated by Gestapo methods in the name 'of France, such a people will stand so much. And let there be no mistake about it, the point of view of your correspondent is not the view of the vast majority of the French people who detest colonialism of any kind.—Yours faithfully,