28 MARCH 1970, Page 27

Crossword 1423

Across 1 Empty heads should result from oriental fruit of purification (8-4)

9 'On! —, and cry you all amain, "Achilles hath the mighty Hector slain" (Troilus and Cressida) (9) 10 Lawsuit to amass the brass? (5) 11 Public notices capture the males in matter of make-ups (6) 12 Fixer keeps things shipshape on board (4-4) 13 Puts back or else goes into an idiotic daze (6)

15 Post office worker, perhaps? (5-3) 18 That tweedy philosophy (4-4) 19 Deans love conductors (6) 21 'Thou stand'st unshook amidst a — world' (Pope) (8) 23 Doughty's Desert (6)

26 Come to terms with a speciality (5) 27 'But not the stars; the stars came (Browning) (9) 28 Undercurrents of naval war? (5-7)


1 Polar bearing device (7)

2 I get mixed up with Jane to make a nest (5)

3 Scattered showers in particular form (9) 4 'Far from the fiery —, and eve's one star' (Keats) (4)

5 Lost in Southern Region one pair for olfac- tory purposes (8)

6 Knightly system of multiplication? (5)

7 The drug of the islands (7)

8 Head north rum way to be free of hurt (8)

14 Robbed of cash in Germany, but with nothing to show for it (8) 16 Just the flower for Prince Charming's girl (9) 17 Expose lining to uncover the renegade (8) 18 Laugh a little at the domicile (7) 20 Harsh rooftop critics? (7) 22 Deed to merit distinction (5)

24 Transport our iron way in lightweight union (5)

25 A hundred here in Rome—that's smart (4) Solution next week

Solution to Crossword 1422. Across: 1 Rascals 5 Incense 9 Malacca 10 Sparing 11 Archangels 12 Leda 13 Dot 14 Cut and dried 17 Fore- casters 19 Tar 20 Orbs 22 Spoonerism 26 In- ferno 27 Tankard 28 Situate 29 Numbers. Down: 1 Rumba 2 Solicitor 3 Archaic 4 Slang 5 Insolence 6 Chat 7 Noise 8 Englander 13 Daffodils 15 Tisiphone 16 Intricate 18 Sternum

21 Bafut 23 Often 24 Medes 25 Area.