28 MAY 1836, Page 13


WE have been deceived in our expectations. 'We were willing to give the Directors credit for firm, enlightened, and consistent conduct—for the adoption of a sound principle, and fur a determination to carry it through. It turns out that they have been governed only by caprice or impulse, and that the old system of indolent indifference, or activity only when some private and individual interest is concerned, is to per- vade the managetnent of the Philharmonic.

The careless haste in which the following scheme was huddled to- gether, is sufficiently plain : we can scarcely believe that its contents, thus classed, were seen by those who are responsible for their selection and arrangement. Three pieces in the first act were in the same key; two songs of MOZART were placed in succession ; and of the two and a half hours which the concert occupied, more than one and a half was devoted to two compositions of the same author. Such blunders might have Ili en anticipated from youth and ignorance, but when perpetrated by a set of experienced professors, into whose hands the character and destiny of this Society are, for a time, committed, they deserve marked tied severe' reprehension.


ACT t.

Sioronia Eroica rrnottle.

Aria, Mr. Mara: N. " Mentre ri lasein" MOZART.

Neptet to. Fist'. 01:oe. Clarint t. Iloro.Trompet, and Double Bass. Nlessrs. tCHUI.,01VA:. C4 oar, WILL-

MAN. DENMAN, PLATT, HARPER, RIO UR AGoNETTI NEUKOMK. I:Oci1:111en 451 Aria, Miss MASNON, " Per pieta" (Cosi fro taqi) MOZART. Overtute, Jelowla SPOOR.


Sintunia D Mu wr. Aria, Madame MALtztRAN OR ISERIOT." QOAIO!O ii core" PtitsLipa. Qaartettu, two V ialins, Ti nor, awl Violoncello. Mcsf.14. lif.A0r.OVA.. GAT I 1E, DA ELM, ant LucAs (No. Li, hi It lit) BILETGUA EN. Te.:Z tn,. M:11100O, M MARRA N 8F-1410T. Miss MAbSON, and Mr. MACH ate, "Coraggio, area "(Fiddiu) ISFETnovEr.t. Overture. Anacreon CHERUSINI. laNuter, Mr. WLICOSEL—COOlUdOr, Mr. H. R. HISOOP.

The full instrumental pieces are parts of the yearly stock ; nod to object to the annual repetition of such compositions, would seem to ntply an abated enjoyment of their beauties, which we are not disposed o confess : but it ought to be remembered, that four years have now elapsed since the performance of MENuEessonres first S'nronia, and that SI " Characteristic :SWUM*" has been heard but once: the first of oheae would have afforded that variety to the scheme tthich it always ouh-ht to possess. Of the weal pieces one only deserves any praise. The first was

Mozart's burt‘esqued and vulgarized. &LIBRA N'S song had evidently

never been reksarsed ; and the ort hest ra (no doubt hum the itirt.rreet- MSS of their p: eta ) were frequently mote, while the Conductor had to fill up the gal 's on the pianofoi te. It was altogether a sail ine4ley vi trash'. This lat.ly must be told, that her talents, however great, will not shield her from' ceusure whenever she indulges in such freaks as this. She is w holly without excuse—for music of every ege and nu. tint is at her conomold. ; and voluntarily to select that of the very worst kind, is to lower 'Cr own reputation and insult the taste of her auditors. Miss Massonet'.S song was the redeeming vocal feature of the evening' bating a new red 'endow ornaments, it was u delightful por-


The Quartet of Iliwriloviao we have recently bad occasion to en. tire ; nod our nations of musk excellence moat undergo an " eogitnic 'ogled pleasure flute inch a romp- change " before we eon derive oaent

sition. The Septette) for \Vint! Int-truments will not Le type mad at these converts.