28 MAY 1836, Page 2

According to statements in the German newspapers, a con- spiracy

against the Emperor of Russia has been discovered at According to statements in the German newspapers, a con- spiracy against the Emperor of Russia has been discovered at Wilna. The following particulars are given- .. " A Catholic society was established, tinder the pretence of studying and practising religion. Measures awe taken for overthrowing the Government and proclaiming the insurrection of Lithuania. Young men distinguished for their talents and birth took part in it ; but a tr-acherous brother, wino had in- sinuated himself into the fraternity, revealed the whole plot to the Governor- General of Wilna. Seventeen of the conspirators have been arrested and sent to St. Petersburg. They are said to be the chief& Further arrests are daily made in the town, and in the districts; for a greet many of the students have quitted Wilna, and sought fur refuge at their respective homes. All their families are in the greatest distress; for there can be no doubt that Siberia, or service for life in the corps stationed on the Caucasus, will be the fate of the con- spirators."