28 MAY 1836, Page 2

eV Cann.

THE King and Queen arrived at St. James's Palace, from Windsor, on Monday afternoon. The King had a small dinner party in the evening.

On Tuesday, the Queen gave a gracd ball at St. James's Palace, in honour of the birth-day of the Princess Victoria, who has entered upon her 18th year. A very brilliant and numerous party was assembled ; and the dancing was kept up till three o'clock on Wednesday morning, The calls at Kensington Palace during the day were so numerous, that aunty of the ladies sat in their carriages upwards of ten hour before they could reach the door and leave their names; of which more that 1500 were entered on the Dutchess of Kent's v:sitiag-book. The Queen and a party from the Palace spent two hours and a half at the Goldsmiths' Hall on Thursday, and visited the Assay-offices ; in the evening her Majesty went to the Italian Opera, to hear amid see I Paritani and Le Russignol.

Yesterday, the King held a Levee at St. James's Palace ; which was eery numerously attended. In the evening, his Majesty had a grand dinner-party, in honour of the birth.day of Prince George of Cumberland, The King's next Levee will be held on Wednesday June the 8th.