28 MAY 1836, Page 7



The plaee.hunting Tories have been spreading reports of a partial change of Ministry,—reports which have no better foundation than Mr. Eatace's voyage to Canada. The Times this morning had a vamped- up leading article on the subject, which has received the following con- tradiction from the Courier.

4, We took oceas'on, a short time ago. to give a distinct contradiction to the rumours of Lord Melbourne's resignation ; and since the lovers of gossip and fabricators of falsehood in the ' salons and clubs' appear still to adhere to their groundless expectations, we will repeat the assurance that no such step 1 a: been contemplated by Lord Melbourne, nor has Lord Lansdowne ever for a moment entertained the notion of becoming the successor of the present Premier. All these vain and unfounded reports may serve to sustain the groundless ho,les of a fete frivolous persons belonging to the Toty section to which we have alluded ; but the leaders, the working men, know better, and are well aware that no Ministerial change whatever is likely to occur. As to the departure of Mr. Edward Ellice, we have the best reasons for believing, that to look into his pri- vate property is the sole cause of his voyage to America."