28 MAY 1853, Page 12

The celebrated German Amateur Scieiety called the "Milner Manner- Gesang..Verein,"

or Cologne Vocal Union, have made .an arrangement with Mr. Mitchell for a series of concerts to be given at the Hanover Square Rooms in the" course of next month. This remarkable musical association has nearly two hundred metobers, betongirg to the most respectable classes in the city of Coldgne, with the addition; as honorary members, of several highly eminent musicians, among' whom we observe the name of Jenny Lind. The 'Onion Far given great public concerts not only in,COlogne but in many partZ 'of Germany and Belgium ; and the whole receipts are devoted to, the increase of church-building, to charities for the poor, and other benevolent objects. It is stated that, besides what they have done at home in this way, they have contributed no less than 21,000 thalers (or 30001. sterling) to foreign charities: and it is in the same manner that the whole profits of the approaching concerts in London are to be applied. There are to beau Concerts, con- sisting of 'Moral music, both sacred and secular,' sung. entirely without instrumental accompaniment, and executed in a style_OE perfection (as we have been informed by some diiitinginslfed"musiciinis) of which no idea can be formed from. anything that has ever yet been achieved in pure vocal harmony.