28 MAY 1853, Page 7


The Tablet, apparently on authority, announces that the " Archbishop of Dublin, Delegate of the Apostolic See, has convoked a Synod of the Bishops and Clergy of the province of Leinster, to be opened at the Cathedral Church of the Immaculate Conception on the Octave of Corpus Christi, the 2d day of June, at ten o'clock a.m." The journal adds, that Dr. Cullen has issued a circular directing the priests to " implore the as- sistance of Heaven for the prelates of the province meeting in synod."

Dr. Cullen has issued a voluminous " pastoral" " on the attempts now being made to interfere by legislation with the rights and independence of Catholic convents."

The numbers attending the Great Exhibition daily have not risen much above 5000, and only on one day attained to that number. On Monday the fee of admission was reduced to half-a-crown ; but the number at- tending at that price did not exceed 734, while the season-ticket holders were 4262, the excursion-ticket holders 18. On Tuesday, the Queen's birthday, there was a grand review in Phi:mix Park ; and on Tuesday half-crown visitors rose to 843; but the season-ticket holders fell to 3341. On Thursday the numbers were—season-ticket holders, 3355 ; visitors at half-a-crown, 850. Mr. Dargan has declined a baronetcy, offered by the Lord-Lieutenant.

Mr. Conway, for many years editor and proprietor of the Dublin Even- ing Post, died on Tuesday, at the age of seventy-six. He was an able journalist, and a constant opponent of the cry for " Repeal."