28 MAY 1859, Page 19


War abroad, dulnessi of trade and tightness of money at home, are producing their usual effect on the fortunes of literature. Complaints of the unprofitableness of the present season are general among publishers, and books dribble slowly from the press. The most notable among the few which the week has brought us is a volume of Shakspearian criticism by Dr. Bucknill, and notable it is intrinsically as well as comparatively, as a work in which fine literary taste and judgment are fortified and directed by the professional knowledge of a physician skilled in minister- ing to minds diseased. The purpose of "The Psychology of Shakes- peare" is to elucidate the knowledge of mental pathology displayed by the great master in his Macbeth, Hamlet, Lear, &c. The beautiful vo- lume edited by the President of the Alpine Club is rivalled by "A Lady's Tour round Monte Rosa." Under the auspices of the Ilakluyt Society has been issued a well edited "Narrative of a voyage to the West Indies and Mexico" by Champlain, to whom the world is chiefly indebted for the foundation of Quebec and the colonization of Canada. The "Me- moirs of Robert Houdin" are as amusing as any other of his wonderful performances.


Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers. A Series of Excursions by Members of the Al- pine Club. Edited by John Ball, M.R.I.A., F.L.S., President of the Alpine Club.

A Lady's 7bur round Monte Rosa ; with Visits to the Italian Valleys of An- zasca, Mastalone, Camasco, Sesia, Lys, Chaliant, Acoeta, and Cogne. In a Series of Excursions in the years 1&50-'56-'58.

Memoirs of Robert Houdin, Ambassador, Author, and Conjuror. Written by Himself. In two volumes.

The Psychology of Shakespeare. By John Charles Bucknill, M.D., Lund.. 8.:c. Editor of " The Journal of Mental Science," and joint Author of the Man- ual of Psychological Medicine."

Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in the years 1599-1602, with Maps and Illustrations. By Samuel Chaplain. Translated from the original and unpublished Manuscript, with a Biographical Notice and Notes by Alice Wilniore. Edited by Norton Shaw.

Choice Notes from " Notes and Queries." Folk Lore.

Chances and Changes; a Story of Love and Friendship. By the Author of My First Grief."

Alice Cary's Pictures of Country Life.

Our Woodlands, Heaths, and Hedges. A Popular Description of Trees, Shrubs, Wild Fruits, Szc. With Notices of their Insect Inhabitants. By W. S. Coleman, Member of the Entomological Society of London. Illustrated by Author.

New Ku's.

Maclure's Map of the Seat of War, published by Stanford, is an admirable map on a large scale. It only comprises the actual seat of war, the country where the armies are in presence. It is to be followed by other- maps as the war enlarges, and thus it will follow the march of the troops. The scale is so large that almost every spot men- tioned in the telegrams is to be found. The rivers are distinctly drawn and the names of the towns are distinctly printed. We cordially recom- mend it as useful to the popular student.

Messrs. Day and Son have published a bird's-eye view of the kingdom of Sardinia, by Carlo Bossoli, from original drawings ; and the map gives one at a glance the position and the features of the locality and neighbourhood of the present seat of the Franco-Austrian war as clearly as could be desired.