28 MAY 1859, Page 8

The following enigmatical telegram has been forwarded from Frank- fort,

dated yesterday.

• "At the sitting of the Federal Diet yesterday, the minor German States voted that in certain eventualities military- measures should be taken. Prussia claimed that in such cases the initiative should be accorded to her." Ferdinand II. King of Naples was proclaimed at Caserta on Sunday, and the oath of allegiance was administered to the troops. A Marseilles telegram states that a steamer had arrived there with a full complement of passengers who have hurriedly quitted Naples from fear of a collision which appeared imminent there. The Court is divided. The confiding in his army, is making preparations to suppress any outbreak of a Revolution de Palais. His Majesty has ordered the arrest of several suspected persons of distinction.

The Neapolitan Minister of Foreign Affairs has published the follow- ing declaration :— "In presence of the war which has broken out in Upper Italy, his Ma- jesty's Government, in accordance with the principles of strict neutrality and under existing circumstances, hastens to manifest on its side the inten- tion to scrupulously observe everything which concerns international rights in time of war towards the commerce and navigation of neutrals, and all which the Congress of Paris of the 16th of April, 1866, established on that subject."