28 MAY 1910, Page 1

The Powers have not yet produced any apparent impression on

the Cretan Assembly, which seems to be doing its best to provoke Turkey beyond endurance. When the Assembly opened it took an oath of allegiance to the King of the Hellenes. This was an improper enough proceeding in itself, but worse was to come when the Moslem Deputies, who had protested very rightly and naturally, were turned out of the Assembly. We are only surprised that there have not been even more signs of indignation in Turkey. The attention of

the Turks is of course occupied in Albania, but we cannot doubt that if the revolt there came to an end the Young Turks would raise a much more formidable agitation. Meanwhile the four protecting Powers are discussing a plan of action which, it is said, may require the restoration of the Moslem Deputies, and re-establish the High Commissionership.